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2016-01-07 05.01.57Zum Registrieren braucht ihr auf der rechten Seite nur eure Mailadresse zu erfassen. Ihr könnt euch jederzeit, falls ihr nicht mehr an unsere Infos interessiert sein solltet, auch wieder abmelden!


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Subscribing to our Newsletter
Since we do not post regularly nor every day a new information on our website, we would like to remind you once again of the possibility of a mail registration. You will then receive an automatic e-mail when we have published a new post. In addition, we will send you occasionally (every one to two weeks) a newsletter.

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Translating our blog
2016-01-12 05.51.16In order to keep our effort low, we publish the texts normaly only in one language… but there is an automatic translator available (Google-Translator) . To enable this you only have to press the orange button „Translate“ on the lower right side.  Then the text will always be automatically translated into the appropriate language.

Cairns Zoo & Port Douglas

Today our first Zoo visit stands on our program. We all looked forward to this event. Perhaps for local people, Zoo’s might not be so interesting as they are for us; but we really love the Australian animals, specially Kangaroos, Koalas, Kookaburras, and not to forget the cutie Wombat. Alina was very excited when she saw all these lovely animals.

We went for a tour information about Lemurs, red panda and little monkeys. It was very interesting to get more information about these animals but the most important information what we learnt today about the red panda. The female can only get pregnant once a year within 18 hours (!!) … sooo, if she then has headache or something else, the chance is gone… 🙂
Alina and me we got the opportunity to handfeed the kangaroos it was a great experience. Even Alina tried to feed them and she did it really good even it was quite difficult for her to make the hand flat but she did it very well.

After the Zoo we looked forward to visit Port Douglas again. After a nice drive up the coast we arrived at the wonderful place called Port Douglas. We went on a little lookout and enjoyed the look over the 4 Mile Beach. Because we got quite hungry we decided to have lunch at the same restaurant we have been with Cameron, Katie and Grace. I looked forward to these delicious Prawns 🙂

Because we know, there must be an official Lookout, we went on the way up to the little hill for getting much better pictures and impressions as before.

We then decided to go for a little shopping tour at Port Douglas because there are so many nice and little shops. After a little shopping tour, a stop at the playground and watching a very interesting marriage with distance, where all weared white dresses (expect the bridal couple, they weared pink…) we went back home. The coast was settled in a wonderful red colour from the sunset. A beautiful day took his end.

Port Douglas

Hilfe, die kennen hier auch Wolken… Ja es ist unglaublich und wir wollen uns ja nicht beklagen oder doch? :-O wir hatten heute den ersten Tag „schlechtes Wetter“, jedoch ohne Regen.

Am Morgen hat Alina zum ersten Mal von 19:00 bis 09:00 Uhr am Stück durchgeschlafen, und wir waren um 06:15 Uhr wach (vermutlich Gewohnheit…) Suuuuuper…, „grrr“.
Nach diesem Marathonschlaf gingen wir ein wenig an den Pool, aber irgendwie mit den Wolken am Himmel kam keine richtige Badestimmung auf.
Am Nachmittag fuhren wir die seeehr kurvige, aber wunderschöne Küstenregion entlang bis nach Port Douglas, wo uns die süsse kleine Grace (Alina’s Grosscousine) mit den Eltern Cameron und Katie erwarteten zum Spaziergang und Abendessen.
Sie hatten auch ein super tolles Apartment gebucht ( Könnt ihr euch vorstellen, dass unter einer ganzen Apartmentanlage der Pool unten durch geht? Gibt es! Und der Pool war unglaublich schön.

Nach einem kurzen Strandspaziergang am wunderschönen 4 Mile Beach, genossen wir ein herrliches Abendessen. Je nach „Job“, den man gerade gefasst hatte, war man am Tisch oder auf dem Spielplatz mit Alina, währenddessen das leckere Essen abkühlte … so ist halt das Leben mit Kind… 🙂

Hartley’s Crocodile Adventures Park

The first night in a real bed was not bad. A little bit a soft mattress for me but I will get used for sure 🙂

After a beautiful drive along the coast with a great view on the nice untouched beaches we spent a wonderful day with Katie, Cameron and gorgeous Grace.  We started with the crocodile feeding show and afterwards we had a great lunch in the main restaurant, because Grace and Alina have been very hungry and tired.
After lunch Katie and me we tried get them both sleeping and had a little walk.

At 1 p.m. we had tickets for the river boat cruise. Alina was sleeping and Grace was watching the jumping crocodiles. After the cruise we went for a walk seeing some birds and Koalas. Alina was looking for the parrots. We went for the snake show and the main crocodile show. We learnt a lot about snakes and got some information about the crocodiles. We had also a delicious ice cream.

Alina likes Grace very much; she always tried to cuddle her and it was not easy to keep her in distance of Grace 🙂 I think they like each other very much and Alina was the whole evening talking about Grace and Katie. Cameron is not so easy to spell for her. After the main show we went back to Trinity Beach. Alina calls our apartment already her new home and she complained when we drove out for a short shopping at Coles.

It was a great day we saw a lot of local animals. Even the somehow strange looking Cassowaries bird; we are not sure from which century it comes from…