Schlagwort-Archive: Airlie Beach

Stay at Airlie Beach *Updated*

Because our Camping place here in Airlie Beach is so beautiful, we decided to stay one Day longer. That means that we leave the place on Sunday (3 nights instead of 2). We booked also en “Whitsunday Island Cruise” for Saturday.

Today we have planned to go to the Harbour and do a little Shopping … In the meantime I sent my Girls to the Shops (oooh, where ist my Credit-Card?!!! … 🙂 ) and now I have a little bit of time, to sit in the McDonald and write on the blog. The Internet Access-Point of the Camping place is broken, so I had to look for alternatives… and ok, it is my first Hamburger here in Australia… 🙂

Tomorrow we will have our Whitsunday Cruise.

As I previous wrote on the blog, the last Camping places had bad Internet connections. The next 2 destinations have probably no Wireless Access-Points! So perhaps we will find another McDonald to write on the blog; otherwise we will update our blog a couple of Days later…

A couple of Photos from the Coast, the Playground with a very nice Pool and the Drive-In Bottle-Shop… 🙂

Next stop… Airlie Beach

The Trip to Airlie Beach was a lot shorter than the one from yesterday. Today we had only about 2 hours to drive (150 km). Our new Camping place Island Gateway Holiday Park is about 1.5 km from the Centre of Airlie Beach away. That means that we can walk to the Shopping-Places… (Céline is very happy about that…). There is also a bus to the City. As we drove through Airlie Beach we could already take a look on the nice Harbour and the sea. I hope we will see more in the next days…

Airlie Beach is the gateway to the Whitsunday Islands and the Great Barrier Reef. It’s a very nice place, with shallow water and beautiful beaches.