Heute haben wir uns einen gemütlichen Tag eingeplant: Baden in der Horseshoe-Bay, kleiner Spaziergang zu einem Aussichtspunkt, Muscheln sammeln am Strand, Glace essen vor dem Camper, Alina hat mit den Nachbarsmädchen im Zelt spielen lassen, etc.
Am Abend konnte ich noch die Abendstimmung „einfangen“…
Morgen geht’s dann weiter nach Townsville.
English-Version (Summary of our Stay):
This Caravan Park was not realy nice, very noisy and the facilities quite disgusting. But all the young people who are staying here don’t care about that. You had to see the camping site from our neighbours, 4 boys from Sweden. The whole equipment, clothes, shoes where laying around. Two of them were sleeping in their tent, the other two slept in the car 🙂
Yesterday night Céline had the opportunity to watch an Opossum; our neighbours feed it with honey toast bred. We hope it didn’t get some belly ache. The surrounding here is beautiful, the stones a little bit like on the Seychelles and the water very nice coloured. We had a nice swim in the sea, collected nice shells, had a walk to a nice lookout over the bay, eaten some ice-cream while sitting relaxed in front of our home. I went to take some pictures from the sunset. And then the day was already gone….
We do not really look forward to give back our (Mobile)-home 😉 …. we got used to it.